26-27 Septemberย 2014
Tutor briefing sessionsย 2014
The past couple of days have been a busy time for everyone at EducateFirst as we prepare for the upcoming new term. A key part of the learning project is to ensure our tutors (new and returning) are fully briefed on the forthcoming projects to ensure all expectations are met and that students receive the support they need.
Project directors, coordinators, managers and tutors participated in one of two informative, yet fun, briefing sessions held in Leeds and Huddersfield. Discussions focused on the following elements:
- Revised learning programmes for 2014-15
- Work materials
- Lesson plans, structure and delivery for different Key Stages
- Monitoring student progress
- Parent meetings and feedback
In addition to the presentations, the tutors shared their views and thoughts on a series of scenarios in an interactive session. Tutorsย also had an opportunity to meet other colleagues who they will be workingย alongside – we had a number of new faces who will be supporting the project over the coming year. Time for Q&A allowed the attendees to ask any questions they have about their role.
As with every year, EducateFirst strives to make changes to better the services it provides for the local community. We have created new tutor handbooks and progress record books as well a new appointment system for parents to receive feedback on their child’s progress from tutors.
The 2014-15 academic year is going to be a challenge, but with a dedicated team of 45-strong tutors, managers and project coordinators supporting the learning initiative, we endeavour to continue providing school children with support in Maths, English and Science.
Many thanks to all those who participated in the tutor briefing sessions over the past couple of days, and we look forward to working with everyoneย when the tutoring sessions begin in a couple of weeks (Saturday 11 October 2014).