
Thesis & Dissertation Service

Writing, Proofreading & Editing

We offer full educational support to academic institutions and educational establishments, as well as individual school, college and university students, including foreign and exchange students. Whether you require editorial support (writing and proofreading) for your assignments, project work, dissertation or thesis – our professional editorial team can help. Our services are fast, accurate, affordable and easy to use. 

Please use the form at the bottom of this page to contact us for a full quote. We also offer a 24-hour turnaround service for certain projects/work.

Icon Money Pound Gbp

Cost summary

Service Student/Client Cost per 1,000 words
Proofreading UK native £7 GBP
Proofreading International £12 GBP
Editing (includes proofreading) UK native £14 GBP
Editing (includes proofreading) International £20 GBP
Formatting only All £4 GBP
Costs shown are based on our standard 14-day delivery service.
Icon Create Write

Writing service

Need help word processing your assignments? Simply provide us with your written documents/lecture notes and we will have your work put into electronic format. Where applicable, we can develop infographics (visual diagrams and charts) to summarise your notes.

For schools, teachers as well as students, our editorial services can help develop professional PowerPoint presentations, provide text for booklets, internal documents and leaflets.

Icon Reading

Proofreading service

Reviewing your work is one of the most important aspects of completing any written piece of work, whether it be a letter, CV, application form, article or dissertation/thesis. Small language, grammar and punctuation errors could significantly impact your result in today’s competitive academic environment. You will not pick up many of the errors when proofreading your own work. A fresh pair of eyes can make a vast difference in providing you with feedback and suggestions to ensure your work is of high quality and written to the standards expected by examiners and publishers. From just £7 per 1,000 words, our proofreading service checks the following elements of your work:

  • Spelling: Our editor’s are trained to spot spelling errors in your thesis. Logic is used and common mistakes are recovered in this phase.
  • Typos: Typo errors annoy the readers. Our proof reading service check and eliminates the typos.
  • Punctuation and grammar: Parenthesis, commas and colons undergo a complete check. We also ensure the correct use of grammar, verb and tenses are used.
Icon Write Compose

Editing service

In addition to proofreading, our editors will review your document and, where necessary, provide you with suggestions to improve the clarity and flow of your writing. Our editing service considers the following elements of your work:

  • Structure: We make sure transitions from one paragraph to another are smooth and that the text is well structured. Wherever required, we will suggest sentences either at the end of one paragraph or at the start of next paragraph to improve the flow and ensure best understanding while reading the document.
  • Grammar: This is the most important aspect of dissertation editing where we remove errors in grammar like: improper verb use, long sentences or fragmented sentences and subject-verb agreement.
  • Spelling: In this phase of editing, we check and correct spellings throughout your document. All errors are rectified to the best possible understanding of the editor. Where uncertain, the editor will put a comment or flag where clarification may be necessary.
  • Language: We eliminate unnecessary usage of words and also make sure that the complete document has a consistent flow and voice that is suitable for the given audience/reader the text is written for. We use exact words, phrases and jargon associated with the subject/topic of your work, providing a professional finish to your work.
  • Communicating: We communicate with you to ensure our editor has been briefed properly on your specific requirements. We also advise you if we feel some of the content within your document is inaccurate, redundant or repetitive.
Icon Bill Invoice

Get a quote

Send us your work together with details of what you require and we will be happy to provide you with a quote. Please note that we will never do your work for you, but can help you put it in to the correct format and check that it is written clearly and concisely.

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