
Types Of Tuition

We offer four types of tuition: class, home, group and online tuition. The type of tuition you or your child may require very much depends on your individual needs and what you hope to achieve from personal tuition. Some students prefer classroom-style teaching where they are able to interact with other students as well as convey their thoughts and receive feedback, whereas others may benefit from one-to-one tuition at home. 

To help you decide which type of tuition is most suitable for you, below is a summary of the four main tutoring services offered at EducateFirst followed by details of some of the benefits associated with each type of service.


Which Type Of Tuition Is Best For You?

Class Tuition

At our learning centres on Saturdays. Focus on Maths, English and Science for KS 1–4 (ages 5–16). 1 hour per lesson. Group sizes range from 2–10 students. Fixed fee of £7.50 per hour.

Home Tuition

Learn from the comfort of your home. Our tutors travel to you. Offering support in any subject at any level. Available for both children and adult learners. Fees range from £18–30+ per hour.

Group Tuition

Similar to Home Tuition. Usually takes place at the student's home or at a convenient public place (e.g. a library). Suitable for siblings of similar age or friends who wish to learn together.

Online Tuition

Recommended for those living in remote areas with limited access to tutors or a learning centre. Available for all ages, including adults. Fees range from £15–30+ per hour.

Our tutors inspire children to learn and achieve

Icon Classroom

Class tuition

This is our most popular teaching format, preferred by both parents and students.

  • Available to children aged from 5–16 years.
  • Tuition is delivered at our learning centres every weekend.
  • Offers a friendly, interactive learning format.
  • Perfect for students who struggle to focus on their school work at home.
  • Classes are available in core subjects: Maths, English and Science.
  • Class sizes can vary, ranging from 2–10 students. The average number of students in a class is 6, with a maximum number of 10. The class is led by at least one qualified tutor and a teaching assistant where necessary.
  • Proven to improve literacy and numeracy skills, and develop a sound understanding of science-related topics.
  • Work covered in our classes is based on the National Curriculum for each Key Stage.
  • Key Stages 1–3 (Years 1–9): work is set by the tutor at the beginning of each lesson.
  • Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11): students have the choice of participating in the work set by the tutor on a specific topic or bring their own work to the class and seek the help of our tutors.
  • Fixed price tuition: ONLY £7.50 per lesson. FREE registration. No hidden charges.
Icon Home School

Home tuition

A popular option offering high levels of support to students in specialist subject areas.

  • Typically involves one student and one tutor.
  • Tuition usually takes place at the student’s home.
  • Perfect for students who struggle to focus in a group or classroom environment.
  • Offers a highly tailored and specific tutoring programme to meet your individual requirements.
  • Available for all subjects, levels and age groups (including adults).
  • The student decides which topics to study.
  • Receive help with coursework, Individual Skills Assignments (ISA) and exam revision.
  • FREE registration.
Icon User Groups

Group tuition

Private tuition can be expensive, so many students and parents opt for group tuition to help reduce the cost.

  • Typically involves a group of up to six students at the same level.
  • Students decide as a group which topics they wish to cover in each lesson.
  • Provides a foundation for group discussions and interactive learning.
  • Tuition can take place at home, at a library or at one of our learning centres.
  • FREE registration.
Icon Video Conference

Online tuition

An alternative to conventional learning.

  • Offers e-advice and e-tutoring services via telephone, email, webcam, Skype and related technologies.
  • Ideal for students living in remote areas or abroad.
  • Tuition can take place anywhere where facilities are available.
  • Tuition can be on a one-to-one basis or involve a group of students and/or tutors.
  • Students decide which topics they wish to cover in each lesson.
  • As with all our tutoring services, registration is completely FREE.

Professional Tuition ONLY £7.50/hr

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