
Tutor Briefing Session 2018

16 September 2018

Our mission to educate – the brief

Following a super hot summer, our staff gathered to prepare for the new academic year. With the learning project now entering its 9th consecutive year, the pressure was on to ensure the team continues to provide the outstanding level of support provided to students during the previous academic year.

This year’s Tutor Briefing Session brought together our experienced teachers from across our learning centres as well as new members of staff who recently joined the team. A series of short presentations mixed with interactive sessions (and a little light-hearted humour) allowed delegates to share their teaching experiences with other members, while gaining an in-depth understanding of their teaching roles to help local school children.

The team also learned of a number of changes that were brought into place following tutor and parent feedback from the previous year. These positive changes will aim to support our students in the following ways:

  • Understand their needs
  • Provide guidance
  • Help them gain confidence
  • Help them achieve their educational goals
  • Provide access to an affordable tutoring service
  • Allow learning to take place in a safe environment.

The meeting also provided an opportunity for tutors to ask questions relating to the learning programmes, discuss the various teaching methods as well as provide their own feedback based on their previous teaching roles. Each delegate received a tutor pack, including a tutor handbook and materials to equip them for their teaching roles during the forthcoming academic year.

Finally, the briefing session concluded with a complimentary eat-all-you-like team buffet meal at a local restaurant – What a treat!

A big thank you to all staff who participated in this year’s meeting. We look forward to another amazing academic year as we strive to help more local students.

– The EducateFirst Team.

Professional Tuition ONLY ยฃ7.50/hr

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