
Summer school 2016 gets underway

30 Julyย 2016ย 

Summer school 2016 finally got underway across all learning centres this weekend. Despite some students leaving registration down to the very last minute, the sessions got off to a great start as planned.

The objective of the summer school is to focus on key elements that students have struggled with over the past academic year. A broad range of topics will be covered over the 5 weeks. Details of topics (top level) are provided below:

Maths:– Advanced numbers and calculations
– Data handling
– Geometry
– Measurement and conversion
English:– Reading skills
– Writing and grammar skills
– Spelling and punctuation
– Speaking and listening skills

Students are already registering for the new academic year, which starts on Saturday 1 October 2016. Don’t forget to save your place: Register now.

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